ideas zone: Contemporary Photojournalism

The Workshop “Contemporary Photojournalism” will be held on 7 and 8 December at the iMEdD in cooperation with the Athens Photo World team.

The workshop attempts a closer interaction with the photographers/photojournalists of Athens Photo World.

In addition to sharing their experiences with the workshop participants, Thanassis Stavrakis, Yiannis Kolesidis and Lefteris Pitarakis will also communicate to new, budding journalists and photographers knowledge on the value, practice and other parameters of contemporary photojournalism for properly creating visual stories in general and news stories in specific.

The lecturers will present their work in order to demonstrate, using real examples of known events of domestic and international news, the importance of image and the impact it has both on the transmission of the news and, subsequently, on the consequences thereof (public opinion etc.).

Workshop participants will get the chance to express their own concerns, both as regards photography itself and its importance and as regards the practicalities of the profession in the modern competitive market.

Especially for new journalists, meeting and contacting established and greatly experienced professionals, will open new perspectives for journalistic research or the proper and comprehensive coverage of events with the help of photographic documentation. 

The topics developed by lecturers and participants will concern the way that written journalism is highlighted with the help of photographs, how it is better recorded in the memory and conscience of readers/viewers and how, finally, it becomes the source of history for the generations to come.

Two-day program

Saturday, 7 December 2019 

12:00 – 13:45  

Thanassis Stavrakis: Contemporary Photojournalism

14:15 – 16:00 

Yiannis Kolesidis: Photo Essays

Sunday, 8 December 2019

12:00 – 13:45

A. Portfolio reviews for photographers / Yiannis Kolesidis – Lefteris Pitarakis 

Β. Photo tips for new journalists: Basic advice on proper picture-taking in case of emergencies, where journalists have no direct photographic coverage (neither any is provided). This chapter of the workshops is not intended to substitute photographers by journalists, but to offer useful ideas and advice that could help journalists when picture-taking becomes necessary / Thanassis Stavrakis

14:15 – 16:00 

Lefteris Pitarakis: Code of conduct in photographers’ professional practice.