“Truth still matters”. Christiane Amanpour will never stop believing it.

25 minutes with a legendary journalist at iMEdD’s International Journalism Week 2022.

Christiane Amanpour is currently CNN’s Chief International Anchor and she talked to iMEdD and Panagiotis Menegos, journalist and iMEdD podcasts project manager, during International Journalism Week 2022 about the difference between neutrality and objectivity, how women’s movements strengthen democracy and why she refused to wear a vail in her recent cancelled interview with Iranian President Raisi. 

Watch the discussion video HERE.

Listen HERE the discussion which is the fifth episode of iMEdD’s Small Talk podcast series.

“Where there’s war, there’s Amanpour” read a famous NY Times headline in the mid-90s. And it was absolutely true, since Christiane Amanpour had already covered Gulf War, Middle East conflicts and Bosnia.

She continued reporting major stories from around the globe, conducting interviews with top leaders, receiving every major broadcast award, becoming a legend.