A photographic investigation on the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in Albania and Greece from the beginning of the 20th century until today.
What is the aftermath of a century of oil extraction in Albania? What the recent developments of the oil industry in Greece?

Distributed as a free newsprint, Under Pressure gives voice to the local communities directly affected by hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation in the two countries, and lends itself both as a tool for dialogue and a documentation platform.
“The need to inform the often isolated local communities that are directly affected by the prospect of hydrocarbon exploration and extraction in Albania and Greece today, as we seem to be approaching the end of the fossil fuel era, as well as their limited ability to participate in decisions that shape their future, were the reasons to start this investigation.”
Penelope Thomaidi, documentary photographer
By taking a look at the past and present, we try to envision the future of these developing regions on the south-western border of the European Union, at a time when terms like “climate change” and “energy transition” are gaining ground in public discourse.

The investigation focuses on a story of geopolitical significance for the Balkan region that can serve as a reflection of global decisions that affect the future of humanity on planet Earth.
View the “Under Pressure” newspaper online HERE