SNF Dialogues present in the USA a series of open discussions #2 Consumers or Citizens

Have politics become a commodity? In an era saturated with political advertisement across traditional and digital media platforms, especially during election cycles, the SNF Dialogues will explore the repercussions of the commercialization of politics and the evolving role of citizens within this framework.

As part of SNF’s broader series of open discussions on Civic Engagement and Civil Discourse in the US, the SNF Dialogues will examine, alongside experts and renowned figures in the field of political campaigning, how the proliferation of political advertising, paid campaigns, and marketing strategies has reshaped contemporary political discourse. This conversation builds on the Spectators or Citizens? discussion on the media’s influence on active citizenship held in September 2023.

The SNF Dialogues aim to address the implications of such a commercialized environment for active citizens and politics at large. The capacity of political advertising to shape public opinion, as well as the crucial need for transparency in this political deluge, will also be discussed.

The SNF Dialogues discussion will take place at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware, and will kick off the Media & Democracy Summit, hosted by the SNF Ithaca Initiative and iMEdD.

Learn more and register here